Sunday, June 26, 2011


Look at this!  2 posts in one hour!  Well, I was filling out my profile, and it asks what industry my job is in and can you believe there isn't a cheese/food category?  Hello out there!

BTW - I think I'm allergic to the orchid in my profile pic.

Cheese and crafting

I'm diving into the blogosphere.  I don't know if it will be everything I always wanted it to be, but it might be a start depending on what happens next week.  I'm a private person so this is somewhat contrary to everything I normally do. 

I had a block of time this morning to create a card and decided to do our group swap, however I'm not participating, so this really isn't a "swap".  I tried the acetate and tissue technique before and was impressed with the outcome, but this one I felt I had to use a lot of crystal effects just to get the tissue paper to stick to the back card stock.  I could actually pull apart the card stock after my first attempt.  Hmm.  So I gave it another helping. 

I'm experimenting more with the brayer and love the gradiation of colors.  Used the new In Color 2012 Calypso Coral.

So, my second favorite word is cheese, and I'll just name a few that are sitting in my fridge: Burrata! Sao George, Barilotto.  The Barilotto from Casa Madaio is my favorite.  Consistency and texture of ricotta salata, but a yummy taste as it's 100% buffalo milk.  Why do the Italians have a market on making great buffalo milk cheeses?  Oh yeah, think about milking a water buffalo every day....